
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Already thinking of next Father's day!

What a weekend we had!!  It was a weekend of ups and downs, not sure how we were going to end it! On Friday we got what all adoptive parents live for when they're waiting to bring their kids home.  WE GOT A UPDATE!!!!  I couldn't believe how quick we got it!  On Wednesday I sent a request for an update on our daughter.  We haven't had an update since we got her referral in February, right after we got matched.  This was our last update request we will receive so I was super excited and thoughtful in the questions I asked.  Normally it can take 1-2 weeks (if you're lucky!) and I got it on Friday, barely 2 days!!  Our caseworker said that was just about a record!

The update made me a bit sad.  It really shows the disparity of where she is and where Scholar is.  His orphanage is bright, well maintained, full of toys, books, crafts, computer room, and a indoor playroom.  Granted, I've toured his orphanage so I got to see what it was like, I'm not speculating.  The photos of Hoot looked sad and void of color and happiness.  I'm basing my impression on a 5 second video and 3 pictures so I' hoping I'm just not seeing the full picture!  They say that she is super happy but the last few photos show an apprehensive and sad little baby.  I'm hoping it's just her having a grumpy moment.    The room she is in is devoid of color and looks very institutional.  I just have to remind myself that this is almost the end for her, she is coming home at 15 months old.   Scholar has spent almost 13 years without a family so I'm so grateful that he's been in a decent orphanage.  He's had opportunities and resources that a lot of orphans haven't had, so for that I'm grateful for the care he has received.  But let's just hope it was a bad photo/angle and that she's in a good place too!!

Now to the update!
Hugs comfort her when she's crying.
Her favorite toy is a rattle.
Her favorite food is rice noodles.
She has no words yet.
She can walk with assistance and she is crawling.
She is called Peng Peng.
She is 17 pounds.  She's a little peanuttle!

We didn't get quite everything answered but it's something!  I love Peng Peng, we will weave that into her name!  Also happy to hear she's mobile!  Based on our previous photos she was always on her tummy, never sitting up.  So that is a relief!    Grateful for the update but it sure makes me miss her more!  Hard seeing her cry and her sad face.  Hoot can't get home quick enough!!

Boom Boom spent the weekend trying to decide if he was going to be sick or not.  He has been so off his game this week!  He threw up a few times randomly but never got sick, as in nonstop flu like sick.  He didn't want to eat and was so grumpy!!!  We had plans, big plans for Father's day and this was not looking good for us!!  With our crew we have to go by the seat of our pants a lot, you just never know what the day is going to bring!

But today brought Father's day with two happy boys and no sign of sickness!  Today was Gamer's last Father's day as a daddy of three (we can't forget his furry child, Phoebe!!).  Next year his lap is going to be fuller with two more to hold.  This will be the last Father's day they will be orphans.  Next year will be a year of firsts for these two little loves that I can't wait to share with them.  It still boggles my mind and sends me into panic when I think of having 4 kiddos at home!  That's crazy!  Today the plan was to do a family caravan to Leavenworth, Washington with my parents, brother, and niece.  It's a little Bavarian town in the mountains east of where we live in Lake Stevens.  It's about a 2 hour drive over the mountain passes.  This morning was chaos trying to get ready!!  Potato bug really wanted to make Baba breakfast in bed but there was no time for such daddy spoilage, he was getting McDonalds on the way!  I was scrambling to pack snacks, extra clothes (just in case we had a puker!), sunscreen, Boom Boom's food, and 500 other things we needed for a day trip.  Oh, and we had to rush dad through opening his gifts....we had a schedule and we were already running 20 minutes behind.  Next year there will be two more, two more to pack for, two more to hustle, two more to make Father's day cards with, and two more to be a part of our Forever Family!  It's going to be epic!

Room for two more 

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