
Monday, July 6, 2015

Helping a special needs mommy fundraiser (it's not me!!)

One night last week I was up late.  I started chatting online with another mother that has a child with Down Syndrome.  I had made a Facebook post about how well this summer has been going with Boom Boom!  He is 8 years old and this has been our best summer yet!  Well this momma is not feeling the same.  She's having a hard time and summer can be the hardest months!    I've had many hard times and have been tested to my outer limits at times.  Summers were always a fun thing to look forward too!  It's playing at the beach, loading the car for an adventure, popsicles, exploring new parks and trails, staying up late and playing in the neighborhood with all the kids, chasing after the ice cream truck, and going to all the summer festivals!

Well Boom Boom doesn't always like those things so carefree summers are now different.  It takes planning.  I have to pack his food (as he has oral aversions and eats a limited diet), his feeding tube supplies for hydration, diapers, changes of clothes, and comfort items.   Parks can be a nightmare and dangerous for us.  He has no sense of danger, doesn't look for me, and sometimes he doesn't act appropriately with other kids (he will pull hair or push sometimes!)  So as you can imagine I have to be two steps behind him at all times while keeping an eye on Potato Bug, it's exhausting!!  Since we've moved we have turned our yard into a playground so that the boys can have a safe and secure place to play.  We have ventured a bit, we went to a splash park last week and Boom Boom did amazing!!!  I was so proud of him.  I was actually able to sit and watch both my kids play which is rare!

Boom Boom having a blast watching the water!

All these kids and I didn't lose either of mine!  They both had so much fun!

Well this mom that I was talking with has a beautiful 5 yr old daughter with DS.  She also has two younger daughters, a 3 yr old and baby.  So you can imagine her hands are full!  Going to the park is impossible as her daughter is a runner and it's just not safe with two other little ones to watch.  Also imagine how hard medical appointments are?  I've struggled with these challenges.  If I have to take Boom Boom with me to one of my appointments or his brothers I can barely focus on what the doctor has to say because I'm overwhelmed with managing Boom Boom.  

Now that Boom Boom is older and in school full time I make all my medical appointments during the school year for all of us which has helped out immensely.  However sickness does not understand the school calendar!!  In those situations I rely on my parents or a sitter if I can get one.  It's hard.  It's not a complaint but a logistical challenge all special needs moms and dads face.  Who will care for our kids when we need a break, have medical/dental appointments, we're sick, or even just want a date night.  We have a few sitters we use and are grateful for them.  But some of us have kids with challenges and it isn't always easy to leave them.  And to be honest no one ever offers to watch them.  I get offers for PB but never for BB, and I totally understand, I'm not judging.  He is a complex little dude!  He is nonverbal, has a feeding tube, feeding challenges, and behavioral challenges at times.  Everyone else has their own kids and adding BB to the mix could seem overwhelming to manage.  So where does that leave us?  On our own.  It's a problem a lot of us face and it's overwhelming.  Days of being spontaneous are long gone!

After talking to this mom and hearing how helpless she feels at this stage I want to help her.  She doesn't have support to help with her kids, it's all on her. Her husband works long hours and she's on her own from morning until he's home at 7:30 at night.  I have long thought that their needs to be a network of moms (and dads) helping each other out, especially those that are experiencing similar challenges.

Here is how you can help make that happen. For every $10 donated towards our adoption I will donate an hour of my time to help another mommy out.  Your donation will go towards bringing Scholar and Hoot home as well as allowing another mother the peace of mind to go to the doctor, dentist, or even get her hair done without having to worry about childcare.  I  will be reaching out to our local Snohomish Down Syndrome Community to let them know when I have hours to offer.  And my hope is that this leads to more parents helping each other out.  This has been something I have wanted to get off the ground for a long time.  I would love for all us mothers/fathers to band together and help each other out.  I have 11 years experience as a daycare/preschool provider, I'm proficient with feeding tubes, communication challenges, and autism.  I'm really hoping I can help this mommy soon!!  And to be honest.....I'll help her regardless.

If you wish to support this fundraiser click:

Please specify in the comments which fundraiser you're supporting!  Thank you all for the continued support you all rock!

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